The New Home of Bake What Your Mama Gave Ya!

As many of you know, I moved to Astoria a month or so ago and although, I really miss Brooklyn sometimes, I love love LOVE my new apartment!

It’s in a diverse neighborhood with a lot of families, great restaurants, a bunch of fruit and vegetable stands, AND a 24-hour grocery store right around the corner!

Anyway, searching for an apartment was one of the most stressful parts of the summer. One of my main requirements for my new home was that there had to be a nice, spacious kitchen – which is easier said than done in NYC.

When I stumbled across the apartment I am currently living in, it was completely gutted out, with debris all over the place. But I took one look at the kitchen – saw the space, window, and dishwasher and I knew it was right. (Also, a gargantuan walk-in closet helped make my decision easier).

Here, is the new kitchen where I will be baking what my mama gave me!


Look at all that space!


Don’t you just love these Tiffany Blue jars?! And the granite countertops? And the washback tiles?!


I love the color of my cabinets too

There has already been a lot of cooking and baking so make sure to watch out for some new recipes coming very soon!


Breaking News: There was a traffic jam in Astoria today!

Cupcake traffic jam.

Cupcake traffic jam. (Photo via iPhone)

Sorry for not updating sooner folks. I’m having some technical difficulties. A lot has happened since my last post. I’m finally settled into my  new apartment in Astoria and started working (not as a cook unfortunately).

I have found time to cook and enjoy my gorgeous new kitchen, and I’ve even taken a bunch of pictures. The only problem is – since the move I have been unable to find the USB cable that connects my laptop to my camera. 😦 So I’m either going to have to suck it up and buy a new cable or try rummaging through my stuff one more time (I’m certain that as soon as I buy it and open the package, I’ll somehow find my cable – doesn’t stuff like that always happen!?!).

Okay, so here is something to tide you over. I made cupcakes this week and there was a minor traffic jam when I attempted to transport them in tupperware. Don’t they look delicious anyway?


Bake what your mama gave ya!

(Sorry, I’ve been watching Gossip Girl….)