Oooey Gooey Molten Hot Dark Chocolate Cakes [Recipes]

Guess what? I got ramekin dishes for my birthday this year! I know, I’m super excited too! Anyway, my first foray into baking with ramekins involved trying to recreate that yummy goodness that is molten chocolate cake. Since I am a strictly dark chocolate only kind of gal – mine may be less sweet than some of you prefer but it is definitely rich, decadent and scrumptious (if I may say so myself!).

Sorry I don’t have step by step directions with photos – but I didn’t think to take pictures until these beauties popped out of the oven.

Shakera’s Oooey Gooey Molten Hot Dark Chocolate Cakes


  • 3/4 cup Hershey’s Cocoa Powder (It should say “Naturally Unsweetened” on the front)
  • 4 tablespoons of Oil
  • 1/2 cup Butter
  • 1 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 2 whole Eggs
  • 2 whole Egg Yolks
  • 1 tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
  • 6 tablespoons Flour
  • (keep a little left over powdered sugar to decorate later)
  • (also whipped cream to decorate!)

1. First start by greasing up  your ramekin dishes with non-stick spray.

2. Stir your oil and cocoa powder together. Add the butter, and then sugar. Then the eggs, eggs yolk, and flour. Stir everything up until it is well-blended.

3. Divide the mix into your ramekin dishes (I did 4 but this could serve 5).

4. Bake 10-12 minutes at 425 degrees. The side should be firm and the center should be slightly soft.

5. Let it stand for 2 minutes. Invert on to pretty plates and sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with whipped cream.

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