Happy Birthday Bloggy! [Special Eats]

It was two years ago today when I first started my blog! In honor of my Bloggy’s Birthday, here are a few of my Favorite Things from this past year. Sort of like Oprah’s Favorite Things Episode….except no one reading this is going home with a free car. [Ed. Note: “And YOU get nothing, and YOU get nothing, and YOU get nothing!”] Sorry guys, maybe giveaways in the near future!

I got this wonderful lunch tote from my Bestie who really knows me so well. It’s the perfect gift for a working girl who loves to pack her lunch. I make really extravagant lunches for work and this fits everything perfectly.  Be it an Avocado Sandwich or Artichoke and Tomato Penne leftovers, snacks, fruit, drinks, cookies, it all fits so nicely! Who says you can’t be a chic foodie?

Speaking of chic foodie, you know I love to cook in style! Can’t do it without this gorgeous apron from Anthropolgie courtesy of my friends Henry and Saira. I love the lace details!

Don’t forget to accessorize with these gorgeous measuring spoons also from Anthropologie. I feel almost guilty using them because they are so beautiful but they have been surprisingly resilient!

You will also need measuring cups of course!  I recommend these freakin’ adorable Russian nesting dolls that also work as measuring cups! The set comes with three dolls nested like traditional Russian matryoshkas. The dolls break apart to become a set of 6 measuring cups which include  1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, 2/3 cup,  3/4 cup, and 1-cup sizes.  Thanks fearless and loyal dining companion!


And finally, every birthday needs a birthday cake. I was lucky enough to get two birthday cakes on my birthday this year thanks to my wonderful best friend Ankita. These cakes were not only beautiful to look at but they tasted scrumptious! I had a slice of both and they were so so so good!

It’s been another wonderful year blogging (albeit sporadically)! Happy Birthday Bloggy! Can’t wait to see where the next year brings us!


Happy Birthday Blog! [Special Eats]

Today marks the one year anniversary of my first post on Bake What Your Mama Gave Ya! Last year on this date, I shared my now world-famous 😉 Apple Crumble with you all! A year flies by when you’re in love! ❤

Enjoying some blueberry-pomegranate sorbet at Blue Marble in Brooklyn!

I’ve enjoyed having the opportunity to share my culinary adventures with you all. Thank you so much for reading and remember to Bake What Your Mama Gave Ya!