Feast of Love: Steak and Potatoes [Recipes]

In case you didn’t know, I went to seven weddings this summer…yes, seven weddings….just this summer.  I was actually invited to 9 but only went to 7, so sorry random two couples that I didn’t know that well.  I’m exhausted and my feet hurt, but I’m so happy for all of the beautiful and happy couples!

When I was trying to think of a recipe that would be perfect for the newly-weds, I thought of steak because I know the fastest way to my heart is red meat.  This meal is really easy and requires very few ingredients and perfect for couples to make together.



Sirloin Steak

  • 2 cuts of sirloin steak – about 1 inch thick
  • Pre-packaged steak rub (try McCormick’s)
  • Kosher Salt
  • Multi-color peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil

Carmelized Vidalia Onions

  • 1 Medium Vidalia Onion
  • 1 tablespoon of Butter
  • Salt and Pepper

Mashed Red Potatoes

  • 3/4 pound small red potatoes
  • 5 roasted garlic cloves
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried parsley
  • salt and pepper


1. First the potatoes.  Put the unpeeled red potatoes in a pot and cover them with cold water, and bring to a boil.  Cook potatoes until tender (check by trying to pierce them with a fork). Turn off the heat and drain the water from the pot.  Take your masher or a big fork and break up the potatoes and garlic. Pour in cream, butter, salt and pepper, and parsley and combine until smooth.

2. Next, the steaks. In small bowl, mix the steak rub with freshly crushed peppercorns and kosher salt. Rub it all over both pieces of steak.  I mean, actually get up in that steak’s business and get your rub on. Don’t be shy!

3. Take a pan and heat it on high. Put about a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of butter, and wait for it to heat up.  Place the steak on the pan and cook for about 7-8 minutes and then flip and cook for 5 minutes [this gives you a medium steak].  The trick here is to have a really good cut of steak (I’d go to a good butcher rather than the grocery store) and really high heat.

4. Now, on to the Vidalia onion.  Peel and thinly slice the onion.  Using the same pan as you did for the steaks, reduce the heat to medium and put about another tablespoon of butter into the pan.  Use a wooden spoon to scrape the steak pieces off the bottom and mix it in with the butter, the butter should turn into a nice brown color.  Add onions into the butter mixture and cook it until it is caramelized [about 15-25 minutes].

I served this meal with some steamed asparagus and sliced up Roma tomatoes.  Serve the onions on top of the steak, and the potatoes on the side.  Get a good steak sauce, Peter Luger’s is great, as is A1.  Pop open a bottle of bubbly and get your love on!  😉

Congratulations to all the newlyweds! 🙂 And a special congratulations to my lovely sister and brother-in-law who are celebrating there one year wedding anniversary today!


Chickpea Potato Curry [Recipes]


2 1/2 cups of vegetable broth

2 15oz cans of chickpeas

14.5oz can of stewed tomatoes

6 yukon gold potatoes

1 medium onion

1 tablespoon of butter

2 teaspoons of minced ginger

1 clove of garlic

1-2 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of cumin

1 teaspoon of coriander

1 teaspoon of chili powder

1 teaspoon of turmeric

One of this things I don’t miss about living at my parents is that I don’t have to worry about whether my clothes smell like Indian food. Real talk: when I was in high school and my mom would start cooking, I’d sprint up the stairs and close the door to my closets and my room. That stuff was strong!

Anyway, although I don’t have to Febreeze my coat anymore, I still miss my Mom’s cooking. Every time I tried to get my mom to teach me, she’d be like “oh it’s so easy” and she’d toss a whole bunch of things into a pot without measuring anything out. So this is my attempt to recreate what my mama taught me!

First, take some potatoes and chop that stuff up!

Then cut up your onion, ginger, and garlic. I love these smells!!!

Put some oil and the butter into your pot and stir them around until fragrant!

Get your can opener out!

Then, in large pot combine all your ingredients – everything and make sure you nestle the potatoes into the liquid!

Don't you just love those colors!

Set the pot, uncovered, over medium heat. Let it simmer for 35 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft. Make sure you stir regularly though.

And voila! Serve with some naan or rice!