Mile End: A Montreal Jewish Delicatessen in Brooklyn [Reviews]

Every once in a while I love to  take the one hour long subway ride to my old stomping ground in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.   My loyal and fearless dining companion and I recently ventured out there to try this place that has been getting major buzz. It’s called Mile End and it’s a Montreal Jewish Delicatessen, and to get to the point: It is amazing!

I know what your thinking: “Deli food?” “For real?!” I understand your doubts, but please let me present my case.

Exhibit 1: Meet poutine. First, it will make you cry, and then it will change your life. It consists of fries, and melted cheese curds, topped with a delicious, delicious gravy.  Poutine is apparently a staple dish in Canada.  But stop!  Don’t book  your plane ticket yet! You can just take the G train to Hoyt Street! The one at Mile End is served as above ($8) or you can top it off with the delicious smoked meat ($11).

Exhibit 2: Beautiful smoked meat, piled high on rye bread with some homemade mustard ($9).  The geniuses at Mile End take meat to a whole ‘nother level (sort of like Snooki with pickles).  We were lucky enough to sit at the counter for our meal and watch the guys take the gorgeous briskets out of the smoker and expertly construct our mouth-watering sandwich.

Are you salivating yet? I thought so. As you can see, Mile End is no ordinary delicatessen.  So Ladies and Gentlemen of the blogosphere, I rest my case.

Mile End, 97A Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, NY – (718) 852-7510