Surf n’ Turf Night [Recipes]

Looking to make a decadent dinner but short on time?  This is just the meal!  I got home late last night from work, had time to pick up groceries, put this together, and curl up on my couch and start Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica! [Ed. Note: How great is Season 3?! Nerdgasm!]

So what are we having for Surf n’ Turf night? Glad you asked! We’ll be having Lobster Ravioli, with a garlic-shallot butter sauce, and rib-eye steak! [Ed. Note: Foodgasm!]

The ravioli is from one of my favorite places ever – Trader Joe’s!  First, it’s ridiculously cheap, something like $3.99.  Second, it’s ridiculously delicious!

First, get a pot of water boiling and throw in the lobster ravioli (it’s a lot less traumatizing than cooking real lobster, without sacrificing the great taste!).

I didn’t want to make a regular old pasta sauce to go with this ravioli because I thought it would overpower the delicate flavors of the lobster.  So instead, I looked around my kitchen.  I had butter, I had olive oil, I had garlic, I had a shallot, I had dried parsley, and I had salt and pepper. Time to make a sauce!

To make this sauce, I melted a half a stick of unsalted butter, with a teaspoon of olive oil.  Over medium heat, I threw in 3 mushed cloves of garlic and one diced small shallot.  Next, I added about a teaspoon of dried parsley. Then, a lot of salt and pepper to taste (the butter was unsalted), and let it simmer on medium-low heat while the ravioli finished cooking.

Next, I prepared the steak by rubbing in salt and pepper, and steak seasonings.  I put a little bit of canola oil on a medium-high heated pan, and threw on the steaks.

I cooked the steaks about 3 or 4 minutes on each side (they were really thin). It came out more well-done than I would have liked BUT the steak was super juicy and tasty anyway! Crisis averted!

Bellissimo! Now, quit making excuses and get to cooking! If I can do it, you can do it!  Surf n’ Turf for everyone!