My Best Meal in 2010 [Special Eats]

I know the end of the year is a time for reflection on the passing year so I thought I’d do a post about the best meal I ate this year.  Well, it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be because I ate some delicious food this year! It was a tough choice but…..[::drumroll::]…the best meal I had this year was dinner at Suzuki’s Sushi Bar in Rockland, Maine!

Let me start by saying that I do not by any means consider myself a sushi expert, however, being a New Yorker I’ve had some amazing sushi in my life.  You name it Nobu, Yasuda, I’ve been there!  So when my ever loyal and fearless dining companion and I traveled up to Maine this Autumn, I expected to have some great seafood. What I didn’t expect was to have my mind blown by the amazing sushi. BAM!

We started our meal with some yummy steamed gyoza. I unfortunately did not get a picture of it, but it was delicious, on point, and basic.  I was satisfied but I was not overly impressed…..yet.  For the main meal, my loyal and fearless dining companion and I ordered the Special Omakase Assortment for two. It was described as the sushi chef’s selection of the best sushi and sashimi of the day.  We were satisfied with our choice and so we waited.  Then this came out …

I mean the picture doesn’t do it justice, but it was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful and mouth-watering.

Every time I look at this picture I just want to sing Stevie Wonder’s Isn’t She Lovely. Isn’t she wonderful, Isn’t she precious….

The assortment came with some of the most simple, purely delicious sushi I’ve ever had! It included two Ama-gasu handrolls (pictured on the top left corner of the platter) – it was to die for: Ama ebi (Maine shrimp), asparagus, lemon wasabi mayo. So good, I want one right now.

There was also the beautiful Spanish Mackerel which we have a close up of above.  Tuna, Salmon, and Yellowtail, scallops, and other things I can’t remember the name of but it was oh so goooood. The meal was exactly how sushi should be. I didn’t really have a desire to use soy sauce or the wasabi because the freshness of the fish was perfect. The textures, the subtle flavoring of the sushi rice. Oy, I’m not exaggerating at all, the best sushi I’ve ever tasted in my entire life!  

To end our meal we had dessert which consisted of a homemade blackberry lemon sorbet topped with toasted pumpkin seeds. That too was so simple but divine.

So there you have it, my best meal of 2010. It’s so sad when I think about it.  Whenever I have sushi now, I enjoy it, I’m satisfied…but I’m really just thinking about Suzuki’s.

So what’s the best meal you’ve had this year?

Suzuki’s Sushi Bar, 419 Maine Street, Rockland, ME – (207) 596-7447